Guide to Being a Good Gift Giver

Out with the old, in with the new. We’re done with the generics: mugs… candles…that one cookbook that you knew you would never use from the minute you received it.

We here at Fill Your Tank LOVE giving gifts (we also happen to be really good at it). Not to fear - we’re going to help you become the best gift giver there ever was. Giving a truly amazing gift takes thought, time, and attention - it’s not an easy task, but it’s a surefire way to show someone you care about them.

*Warning: by following our advice, you may attract more people into your life than you can handle. Being one of the world’s best gift givers has its burdens. People may be knocking down your door to be your friend, partner, or even asking you to adopt them into your family just to receive a gift from you. Fill Your Tank is not responsible for the aftermath of your gift-giving transformation*

The best thing is… you don’t have to break the bank to give a great gift. We’ve all run to the drugstore last minute and thrown a bunch of crap together: usually including a cheap sheet-mask that will probably cause break outs. Quality over quantity is the name of the game in gift giving.

Here are the three things every A+ gift has in common:

  1. Intention.

    “To be known is to be loved”. Gifts can be vehicles to express your KNOWING on someone. Is there something they’ve been obsessing over? A place they’ve always wanted to go? Something they’ve been eyeing recently? A unique trait of theirs that you can tap into? There is nothing better than wondering “how the heck did they know to get me this?!?!? when receiving a gift.

  2. Use.

    Want to be an excellent gift giver? Avoid anything that will eventually turn to clutter. The best gifts are ones that can be USED. The ones that each time that person uses it, they automatically think of you. They will associate you with making your life easier, or understanding them so well that they get to feel connected to you each and every day by using whatever you got them.

  3. Style.

    If you’re going to forego our advice on number 1 and 2, focus on style. Make sure the gift aligns with their personal style. Unfortunately, just because you like it doesn’t mean they will. If style & aesthetics feel like uncharted territory for you, stay away from clothing and go for an object instead. The easiest way to check the style box is play it safe and stick to this list!

Our favorite gifts at Fill Your Tank are EXPERIENCES. They’re interactive, unforgettable, and transcend the physical. Whether you’re giving to a partner, parent, sibling, crush, or friend: our 2023 gift guides will help you curate the experience of a lifetime.

Start your engines and get ready to Fill Your Tank and theirs this holiday season!

have a gift guide you want to see this year? send us a DM or email us at <3

*Did you know the benefits of gift giving are backed by real science? The act of giving a gift activates the brain’s reward center, triggering the release of dopamine (the brain’s ‘happy chemical’). Giving someone a thoughtful gift is a fool proof way to increase overall wellbeing, happiness, and well… Fill Your Tank.